3356 SP07: Special Studies in Construction Technology

Materiality and Logic of Construction

Course Introduction:

Architecture as a discipline, aims to evoke emotional and intellectual response through phenomenal qualities of physical constructs (materiality/texture, light/shades, time/sequence, scale/proportion and spatial/structural order) through masterful use of materials and meticulously crafted details beyond the basic human needs for shelter. The pedagogical intention of ARCH 3356 is to develop an innate understanding of relationships between the materiality and logic of construction through physical exploration of specific materials and it’s tectonic possibilities. The course will employ (3) distinct modes of investigations, the theoretical, the physical and the research. The “theoretical” component consists of class base activities such as lectures and reading materials assigned through out the course dealing with history and theory behind the specific construction materials and methods. Occasional quizzes will supplement its contents. The “physical” component consists of individual base activities through “making of physical objects” using the specific materials and methods culminating in digital documentations of the process and the products. The “research” component consists of team base activities through precedents studies and analysis of buildings  constructed from the unique application the specific materials culminating in digital media presentation for the class.

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The course entrust the individual students to build upon the previously introduced architectural issues and synthesize the (3) modes of investigations to achieve the educational goal set forth in the course.

Course Outline:

Phase I  (5 weeks)

Theoretical Component

Preparation for Physical and Research Component

Phase II  (5 weeks)

Physical Component

Preparation for Research Component

Phase III  (5 weeks)

Research Component Presentation

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