3502: Architectural Design Studio IV

Integration Studio

Instructor: Prof. Abusalim

Baby Boomers Social Club

Project Description:

As each generation population ages, the baby boomer generation will soon be facing retirement.  This generation is economically, physically and in numbers very different from unlike its previous predecessors.  The baby boomer generation proves to be vigorous in its outlook and demeanor.  With the population born after World War 2 reaches the age of retirement, a new kind of facility will be needed to built to meet the needs of this generation that experienced the flower power age of the sixties, brought about civil and social change through demonstrations, fought the Vietnam War, etc.  This generation is marked by its activism, its political views, and its contrary position to the previous generations’ examples.  You are to design a facility named the Baby Boomers Social Club, a building type that is reminiscent of an community center, senior club, etc. This building is used predominantly during the day.  It does not house any residents.  Though there are opportunities for evening events to take place.  This club is located near amenities, preferably walk able to many housing locations or at least near public transportation.  The building is required to be open in its character and have a strong relationship to the outdoor spaces that are part of the program: outdoor space used for multiple uses and the roof deck.  The building wall section and typical cladding detail will mediate two very important large spaces of the program: the indoor multiuse space and the outdoor multiuse space.  

Course Syllabus: TBD

Course Website: TBD